
wow, Your writing has truly captivated me - it's a masterpiece! Are you considering releasing a revised edition or exploring innovative ways to share your work with a wider audience?


Ok good I have strategy I use in boosting up your book publication profits and performance to get a lot of comments, readers and voters so I hope you have interest in it let me know if yes


@Izuagwu hey again! i've published another chapter. Let know what you think of it!  i appreciate any feedback. good or bad :)


@Izuagwu Hey there! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. It's really cool that you like it so much.
            For now, I'm just trying to get the story finished. I'm writing the chapters as they come to me, without worrying too much about perfection. I just want to get the story out there.
            As for where to read it, I'll be posting it on Wattpad. We'll see how it goes from there.
            Thanks again for your support!