my brother said something unexpected today. my mother and father are both fully southeast asian, which makes me and my siblings fully southeast asian.
but my brother, i cant even see him as a brother anymore, said the n word. if i was to say that in his defense, he wasnt educated. the thing is, he just doesnt want to be educated. i've tried educating him again and again and he still wont listen. but he is a 16 year old. and he kept saying that it's okay to say the word because it "doesnt affect anyone" and i was yelling at him trying my best to explain to him why it isnt allowed and it's blatant racism, but then my mom cuts in and says the n word. she said that there arent any black people here so it wouldnt matter. its just a word.
if you read my book, you would know i hate her, but i didnt thought my hatred could grow oh so bigger. SHE IS ALWAYS BRAGGING ABOUT HOW SHE'S THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE ROOM BUT SHE SOUNDS LIKE AN IDIOT 100% OF THE TIME.