Hey guys, I know it's been a long while.... well too long. I know that there is no excuse for me not contributing more to the story, and I know that. It's just been so hard lately, to carry on? Some of you will understand what I mean and some of you won't. But that's okay, that's what I love about life. Everyone interprets everything differently, no ones philosophies are the same. It's so original, and... unique.
It's just so hard to focus on anything nowadays, I've been sleeping longer and just laying in my bed with my pillow. Crying for hours on end for no apparent reason. And I get really frustrated easily, one thing goes wrong and I'm crying a storm. I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot focus. I've tried so hard to continue writing for you guys, I want to do well for this story and for the amazing readers who have stuck with me. I just don't feel like I can write quality chapters for you guys in this mental condition.
I will be back, soon hopefully. I just need a break. I pray that you guys understand. I get it if you don't, I wouldn't either.
Thanks to all who have been with me thus far, you guys have done more than you know.
Until next time... -Khummel5