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"Aniyah's POV -
I put the blanket over Christinia's head as I walked out of mine & Chris's house. We don't want to expose our kids to paparazzi just yet. Chris covered Brelyn and we walked out the the car. I put the babies in their car seats while Chris got up front. Once I secured them I closed the door and went up there.
"Babe.." I grabbed Chris's hand as we drove through paparazzi.
"Yeah ?"
"I was on the twitter & I saw that Brielle mentioned you." I turned and looked at him.
Chris's POV -
I bit the inside of my lip, hard as fuck knowing she was waiting on a response. Okay... I been checking out Brielle at the strip club for the past couple weeks, but its not like I was doing anything with her.
"And what she said ?" I looked at Aniyah out the corner of my eye.
"Turn up 'til the sun come up. Ayeeeee. I hope to see you next weekend, boo. Much love. Winky face." Aniyah read.
I looked at her and back at the road.
"Where were you ?" She asked me.
"The club."
"When you told me you was with Ty all night you was really at the club, watching Brielle shake her ass ?" Aniyah cut her eyes at me.
"Babe, I was just chillin' !" I exclaimed.
"Okay, well then explain this, Christopher." She threw her phone in my lap.
I pulled up to a stop sign and looked at it. It was a picture of Brielle giving me a lap dance. My hands were on her waist & I was biting my lip.
"Baby, its nothing for real."
"Bullshit, Chris. Thats your ex-girlfriend and I'm your wife. Why the fuck do you have other bitches on you ?" She raised her voice.
"Mommy said a no no!" Brelyn exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby." She turned around and rubbed his leg.
He fell back asleep and Aniyah turned back around.
"I'm waiting.." She said.
"On what ? I went to the club, got faded and got a lap dance. Whoopty doo." I rolled my eyes.
Aniyah leaned over the seat and jacked me right in my jaw.
"Ahhh shit." I swerved the car, pulli..."