It's been more than 2 years since I started writing BEF... It's been so close to my heart that I couldn't allow myself to end it even though I knew it was reaching its conclusion. It resulted in delays... I couldn't write the ending as I was afraid to let it go... But all good things comes to an end and so is the tale of Monkey and Piddi. I'm little emotional right now and I also know that you guys might have forgotten about it since I took ages to complete it. However, I would still hope you all to read this story again from first to last. And tell me what are your favourite moments in BEF. I would appreciate if the silent readers also say something about it. It would make me happy to listen to your thoughts. Epilogue won't take much time that I can promise. But first I would like to know about my readers' thoughts about the whole story. So please... Give it a try. I would be waiting for your opinions and Rudra would be answering any questions you have.
Warm regards, your Lazy writer❤️