Hey everybody! I can't stop smiling!!! This is a fricking miracle! HOLY CRAP!!!! GUYS MY BOOK IS RANKED 57 IN TEEN FICTION!!!! Just a couple of days ago, my story was 340 in Teen Fiction and now we're above 100. I am so blessed and grateful to have such amazing, sweet readers who appreciate my writing. This is such a huge dream come true and it's all bcuz of you guys! You guys mean so much to me...and omg, just THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I could keep going on who each one of you guys are the best and the most special person. Don't care about what jealous ppl say about you! You're special. You're beautiful. You're smart. You'er generous. Caring. Talented. Loving. Just remember, life is temporary... so live the most of it. Don't let those bullied haunt you and tear you down.
Thank you guys so much. LETS DO THIS GUYS! I know we can get this book (Refusing Your Love) to TOP 5!!!!!!