
For anyone whose asked or wonders when Forgetting Violet will be updated; I promise it is soon.  I've been busy lately (lies, I've been watching Netflix) and haven't gotten the time to update.  My laptop charger is completely broken and I haven't had it for at least a month now, so I use my parents computer to update stories and such.  I'd also like to point out that I have started school yesterday, but since its only the first week I shouldn't be so busy, but I've already gotten Spanish, science, and English homework so that's a little problem.  And although I have Forgetting Violet planned out some chapters aren't completely figured out (like the one I'm writing now) and I've been having the worst writers block.  As for What We Were the first chapter should be updated soon.  Also, if you've noticed, I have deleted a lot of my other stories, I've decided I'll work on those once I have time (probably after I'm done with Forgetting Violet or What We Were I'll start off with Short Films.  So, that pretty much explains what's been going on with me(: 
          	Thank you for reading this long message and thank you for reading my boring stories.  


For anyone whose asked or wonders when Forgetting Violet will be updated; I promise it is soon.  I've been busy lately (lies, I've been watching Netflix) and haven't gotten the time to update.  My laptop charger is completely broken and I haven't had it for at least a month now, so I use my parents computer to update stories and such.  I'd also like to point out that I have started school yesterday, but since its only the first week I shouldn't be so busy, but I've already gotten Spanish, science, and English homework so that's a little problem.  And although I have Forgetting Violet planned out some chapters aren't completely figured out (like the one I'm writing now) and I've been having the worst writers block.  As for What We Were the first chapter should be updated soon.  Also, if you've noticed, I have deleted a lot of my other stories, I've decided I'll work on those once I have time (probably after I'm done with Forgetting Violet or What We Were I'll start off with Short Films.  So, that pretty much explains what's been going on with me(: 
          Thank you for reading this long message and thank you for reading my boring stories.  


Yep, I'm doing another story.  I thought that I shouldn't write another story but here I am writing another story.  Actually, this whole story is based off a dream I had but yepyep.   Also check out Short Films, I'll be updating on that story sometime


So I'm thinking of deleting IBF and starting a different story.  I used to be so excited for  IBF and had everything planned out before but now I don't really know what to do with the story.  But, with my new story I will be using the same character names from IBF.  So, goodbye to IBF and welcome Short Films.


Alright, so I don't know if you guys exactly care but I might be putting GOY on hold,  I'm starting a new book called IBF (Internet Best Friend) so I can work on GOY  ahead because I'm actually looking forward to IBF because it's really kinda dedicated to all of my internet best friends but so I'm working on the cover and then you can see description.


Hi! So, as far as I've had this for 3 months and now I'm actually writing something!  The motivation of 12 AM is great isn't it.  Well, starting off I have only 1 follower but I'll get more right?  Aha, I'd say so much more to my one follower but I need some sleep, I have important plans to do tomorrow on Saturday. 