3 chapters will be released tomorrow for ‘Perfect Girl For me’ sorry the updates are slower than they started out to be but Dw, I’ll go as fast as I can :)
I BEG of thee please please pleeaassee post another chapter for "perfect girl for me" pllleeaaassseeee *insert spongebobs voice* IIIII NNEEDDD IITTTTTT
"yall are okay with your women making more money than you? Yall are okay with KKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH RELEASE ANOTHER CHAPTER AND MY SOUL IS YOUUURRRSSSS"
I have read that book and I absolutely loved it but no not necessarily. I get how it could be a thought as both Charlie and Hazel have ‘something wrong’ with them but this was just based off something real in my life :)
Helloo, just wanted to tell you something to motivate you. I'm proud of you! Your books are amazing. Keep up the good work, love. Eat and sleep well, don't stress yourself too much. Take your time in the updates, honey. Byee<3
3 chapters will be released tomorrow for ‘Perfect Girl For me’ sorry the updates are slower than they started out to be but Dw, I’ll go as fast as I can :)