
The following are the changes that will be made to The Four when it is republished;
          	-Characters: The four guardians were originally based on four people but two of these people will be substituted with new characters and the names will be changed accordingly. The powers and abilities will stay the same but some character plots will minorly change. There will be some characters who will be removed and new characters introduced. The characters will be introduced not all at the same time but eventually, though you guys may have an idea of the new characters from the cast which will be the first part of the book that i will publish.
          	-Details and events: some or most minor details and events will be removed in order to compliment and work with the new and removed characters and their plots.
          	-Plot- not majorly but minorly, some parts (Example: the love lives of the characters) will be slowed down in order to progress and add more of a story or background. Some couplings will also change so prepare for heartbreak! 
          	-Structure and content: i am aware that most if not all of the chapters were a total mess. There were parts of full chapters just here, there and everywhere. That was my fault, i had a lot going on nd in the rush to update i just typed things without fully developing my ideas which allowed for the chapters not being able to reach their full potential. When rewriting this book that will change and be fixed to simpler formats and less spelling and punctuation errors. Also, i am aware that the 'week' format was dumb, the book will be put into chapters. The details of some parts of the story will also change so don't be surprised if some unexpected things happen.
          	Last question: 
          	WHO SHIPS KIARA AND MATT AND WHY?!   J U S T   W H Y ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? 
          	Okay bye for now!


The following are the changes that will be made to The Four when it is republished;
          -Characters: The four guardians were originally based on four people but two of these people will be substituted with new characters and the names will be changed accordingly. The powers and abilities will stay the same but some character plots will minorly change. There will be some characters who will be removed and new characters introduced. The characters will be introduced not all at the same time but eventually, though you guys may have an idea of the new characters from the cast which will be the first part of the book that i will publish.
          -Details and events: some or most minor details and events will be removed in order to compliment and work with the new and removed characters and their plots.
          -Plot- not majorly but minorly, some parts (Example: the love lives of the characters) will be slowed down in order to progress and add more of a story or background. Some couplings will also change so prepare for heartbreak! 
          -Structure and content: i am aware that most if not all of the chapters were a total mess. There were parts of full chapters just here, there and everywhere. That was my fault, i had a lot going on nd in the rush to update i just typed things without fully developing my ideas which allowed for the chapters not being able to reach their full potential. When rewriting this book that will change and be fixed to simpler formats and less spelling and punctuation errors. Also, i am aware that the 'week' format was dumb, the book will be put into chapters. The details of some parts of the story will also change so don't be surprised if some unexpected things happen.
          Last question: 
          WHO SHIPS KIARA AND MATT AND WHY?!   J U S T   W H Y ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? 
          Okay bye for now!


hey guys, Kiara here.
          so its been a while, funny enough I was supposed to start rewriting The Four in December 2018 but... my laptop crashed and I couldn't type or work on it. I have a perfectly functioning laptop now but over the time that my laptop was down a lot of things have happened, changed and developed. So Skai and I have been discussing and planning within the time i was offline and some big descisions have been made concerning that book. There's some good news and also some bad. Bad news first?...
          Since I've only just gotten back online that's great because i can start back writing, but... school is back and Skai and i each have approximately, at least 28 exams and 15 projects to work on. This term will finish in March. When this term is over i will have some time off so i will start writing then, but i will most likely not be completely finished by the time Term3 starts, Term3 is a major term and both Skai and i will need to really focus on school then. I will still work on The Four during term3 but not often, I'm not saying i wont try my best because i will give it my best. Term3 ends in early June i believe, as soon as i get out of school i promise I will work my ass off on this book and i will aim to have it up by August. 
          The good news?....
          As I've said before, while i was offline a lot had happened and changed so some descisions were made. So, initially the book was made to portray themes of magic, love, friendship, humor, sadness, etc. The aim was for it to be relatable but still somewhat unique, and rereading it recently I've realized that book is far from the aim, you guys might not think so but it's just not where or how i would've seen it going before. So the entire book will be rewritten. There will be major and minor changes...