
"So, are you a morning or a night person?"
          	Buddy, I am barely even a person. 


Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs,
          Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes,
          Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears.
          What is it else? A madness most discreet,
          A choking gall and a preserving sweet." This is from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Showing how love is the most toxic matter that exudes in this cosmos. The galactic glacier of excitement that may unleash the madness within the depths of one's soul. The million of stars that seems like the neurons which connects our brain to each and every part of our body sending glitches to our unexplainable life. Even hatred can shape love itself.This circumstance can never be eradicated until one person is yet to feel nothing--- even the feeling of abhorrence.
          The feeling of affection towards someone at an early age is somewhat called as 'puppy love' by few. But to the person who felt the electric energy that rushed through their veins for the very first time their heart has every laid to someone-- hell yeah! It is first love. First loves are often regarded as "the undying love" for a certain person until the very end. As if it is the epitome of loyalty and unwavering enchantment towards the person who captivated your innocent heart! First Love may sound so dramatic and award winning but no. First love is dangerous. 
          Loving someone is a phase where you decide to move on or continue being locked up inside a delusion of being in love. Time can recreate an illusion of affection towards a person whom you have been with for a very long time. Or Memories can inflict an increase of heart rate every time you experience something unforgettable. Well that's love. First love on the other hand is falling in love with the ideals you wish to see. The ideals you wish to conquer. That is why everyone is saying that you can never forget your first love. 


(Failed to find the right words. But yeah. :// Hah. Failed.) 
          I irrevently come in rage, never wanted this to end in the first place. Whether or not, a love like ours - so lugubrious made me hashed. Even  now, the words I used were drowned in a scarcely pace. 
          I did remember that osculation that we once.made: so real, so affectionate. Reminding me how I conquest faults, which I highly doubt that you'll bowled. Hope at the very least, those nocturnal sojourn I seek to elude, could've bête noire abbreviate.