
Hey guys it’s me!
          Long story...
          So my phone broke and my Apple ID, email accounts and iCloud went down the drain with it.
          I tried logging into my kickchick2 account but I forgot my password and I can’t reset it cause I don’t have the same Apple ID or email as on my other phone.
          Sorry for the inconvenience...
          I’ve had quite a eventful beginning to 2020. I just finished moving into my new home, catching up on school work, AND creating a new Apple ID and wattpad account on my new phone.
          On top of that I was in a car accident...
          Anyway I was smart enough to have moved my book onto Docs on my school Email account so I’ll be continuing Moon on my new wattpad account Kickchick3.
          I’ll have a corrected version of the previous Chapters and new ones so be ready!
          Once again sorry for the inconvenience!