
Hey all, I just decided to give my latest work a chance. It’s a Marilyn Monroe fictional story. It’s not complete, but I’m giving it a test run first to see how well it does. It isn’t my typical type of writing but I wrote the first part years ago.  
          	Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any group responsible for exploiting Ms. Monroe nor am I involved with any other organization pertaining to making profit off of her tragic death. 
          	Thank you! 


Hey all, I just decided to give my latest work a chance. It’s a Marilyn Monroe fictional story. It’s not complete, but I’m giving it a test run first to see how well it does. It isn’t my typical type of writing but I wrote the first part years ago.  
          Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any group responsible for exploiting Ms. Monroe nor am I involved with any other organization pertaining to making profit off of her tragic death. 
          Thank you! 


If you have a thing for vintage movies and Hollywood glam or history and older stories… you might be interested in my newest project I just uploaded. It’s about Marilyn Monroe. I haven’t worked too much on it but I started it back in 2018 and I haven’t wrote anything more for it but I’ve liked the concept I was going for ever since so I decided to just put the first part out there  
          Hope u enjoy 


I hope you enjoy my new short shots of musical scenarios with the reader’s perspective. I am currently taking suggestions, so please don’t be afraid to comment of you’re interested in more. Like if you have enjoyed the read ☺️ and I hope you have a happy holiday season!


Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of feedback on my Supernatural fanfic. It is probably because there is nothing much else to do during quarantine so I’ve decided that I will be adding one more part soon! 
          STAY TUNED ❤️


If I'm publishing stories but there is only one part to it then that means I don't know if I should continue if no one's interested. I get distracted easily anyways so I'm always finding something else to write about.