
@niniosss i know right. whtever we do, people still judge our appearance. ignore like a boss and walk away hahaha oh jiah born in melaka but stay in alor setar. skolah bukhary je. nini? i know nobody is perfect, setiap org mesti ada kelebihan sndri. yup Allah know whats the best for us. he is the best planner of all 


@niniosss betul ape cakap nini. tpi tulah ppl will always judge us nonstop. ada sesetengah org slalu ckp "oh patutlah budak uitm rupanya" tu yg jdi rsa mcm tkut nk msuk u mna. tambah pulak my memory is so bad. i cannot even memorize any sejarah facts sigh and i easily to give up. i always think i tkleh buat itu ini. seriously i dont have any confidence and courage. bila nervous terus lupa. tpi slalu jugak advice diri sndri, smpai bila kan nk mcm ni. bila jdi mcm tu i always think about my parents. so i keep telling myself "oh i can do this. i wanna make my parents happy and be proud of me so i have to do this" tpi tktahu spm nnti mcm mne. still rasa tak yakin and takut2. msa pt3 tu dh menyesal so kena prove it during spm. btw thankyou for ur help advice nini. I'll always remember :)


@niniosss this is really inspiring advice for me thank you so much nini. nah i bet  you're one of them too :) ppl keep saying "jgn menyesal mcm akak2 dgn abg2" im scared to be 17 tbh. yes u right. Allah will always beside us. im gonna take ur advice and remember it always. in syaa Allah i can do the best even i dont have any confidence