does anyone read this and want me to post again? qwq

@iam__Elly ahh okay yea i have like 7 finished drafts ready but lowkey i’m cringing too hard to publish them i mean i wrote that story years ago :’) and when i read it now i’m like um no i didn’t ??? and why did i ??? just over the last days i’ve been working on a whole new story draft which i’ve also had for like 2 yrs maybe? and i’ve written 3 new chapters since yesterday TT

@kihdimple • Hehe yesss been waiting for all the writes of MX fanfic to comeback again (you're one of them) and I'm so glad you're here now! I'm waiting for the next chapter of 'Just Hold On', I hope you can continue that story ಥ‿ಥ

@iam__Elly omg hii !! you’ve been supporting me and my works for so long ??? tysm <3 i’ll try to update again i promise,, been getting back into it over the last few days so i hope i can get something out TT which one did you mean i should continue?