this message may be offensive
Ok. No more avoiding the truth.
My life is a mess. An absolute mess. I'm falling apart. I'm destroying myself. The truth is that I haven't even logged into this acc in a month because I can't even think of updating. I'm self-destructive, I'm a hazard, I'm not even sure how the fuck I'm still alive. My heart is beating for some unknown reason. I'm struggling. I don't want to be here or anywhere anymore. I'm tired guys.
I'm so fucking tired.
I'm so self conscious that I'm destroying myself. I limit my calorie intake, I sleep 15 hours a day, I cry all the time, I push everyone I know away. My BMI is under 17 right now. I've absolutely destroyed myself, and I can't avoid that fact. I'm a mess, I don't want attention or pity or anything because I don't deserve it. I'm not worth it. I'm not this decent person everyone thinks I am. I'm a girl who wakes up in the middle of the night from hunger pains and looks up images of unhealthily skinny girls to remind herself what she is working towards. That's me. I'm 17 years old, and I'm destroying myself. Who knows how much longer I'll be here.
I just wanted to explain why I'm gone. If you want to keep in contact, my side twt acc i made earlier is @ sunshineandgay
you can dm me if you want, idk why you would tho.
im logging off for now, maybe i'll return if i ever get help
i really hope the best for each and everyone of you. please, if you're struggling, get help.