Sorry couldn't post today and day before but double update tomorrow maybe?!!!
Exams are a pain the ass and so are completion of assignments so couldn't find the time but tommorow for sure!!!
Sorry couldn't post today and day before but double update tomorrow maybe?!!!
Exams are a pain the ass and so are completion of assignments so couldn't find the time but tommorow for sure!!!
Sooo.. erm I decided that it will be a multiple pov book, means there will be 5 couple in this story, I am really sorry for a sudden change but multiple pov was my original idea soo I am gonna stick with that. Thankyou for supporting me
It's coming soon !!! I have been getting so many ideas about new books but first I want to complete hating you , please vote, comment and share.
Stay safe and healthy. I hope you like it .
Thankyou for keeping my books in your reading list , I really appreciate it I hope you will support me and hope everyone are safe, happy and healthy
Please check out the new chapter
Thank you guys for adding my book to your reading list I may start a new story too because it's like I think you guys don't like the idea of this book so I have many ideas I hope you support me but maybe yours would be put on hold love you guys and thanks again for adding my book to your reading list <3