
V does it again!!! This is a stand alone book so you don’t have to read Her, Them, Stolen or any of her other books to get into this one. 
          	And you will get into it. 
          	Brilliantly written and captivating from beginning to end. I could gush more but I won’t. 
          	Just go read the dämn book. 
          	You can thank me later


V does it again!!! This is a stand alone book so you don’t have to read Her, Them, Stolen or any of her other books to get into this one. 
          And you will get into it. 
          Brilliantly written and captivating from beginning to end. I could gush more but I won’t. 
          Just go read the dämn book. 
          You can thank me later




Just curious. 
          How many books do you have in your Private Library?
          I try to keep mine under 40 but the number keeps creeping up…
          I’m now at 52


@svetafl Thanks for sharing that with me. I’m considering switching things up so that’s helpful 


@kikimajor I read them first.  Sometimes I delete the ones that I couldn’t finish because they were just awful and stupid, some I’ve finished but didn’t want to keep in my library.
            The ones that I really like, I add them to my reading list to share with others.


@svetafl so do you read the book first before putting it on one of your reading lists? Just trying to get a feel for everyone’s process. 
            I get too distracted by all the good books I see so I put them on my radar and onto a specific reading list if I get clues from the tags. The books I want to read “right away” go into my private library but sometimes that gets overwhelming!
            Thanks for answering. I post stuff here but feel like I’m talking to myself most times :)


INDOMITUS by @ssybahz is a great read! Written beautifully in an intellectual yet  poetic way (bottom line, I learned a lot of vocabulary words y’all!), this story had a little something for everyone. Mystery, suspense, brokenness and healing as well as some super HOT steamy scenes where even I felt like I was being healed! The ending is a little controversial but this story is well worth the read!❤️


Soooo… I made myself take a “little” break from all the super smut I’m addicted to. Currently reading this Super HOT series “Them”, “Her”, “Her/Them” (hope I got that last one right) by @parttimesinnerslut. 
          Just read this mystery short story “The Secret Admirer” by @DeliciousMoon and my heart is still racing! Intricately and beautifully written. Just remember. Not everything is as it seems… sometimes it’s worse. 


@kikimajor Thanks for the shoutout! Glad you liked it.☺️


LOVE this book “All Of Me” by @freehibana❣️ Brilliant, beautiful, sassy female MC who is out to conquer the world and leave it better than she found it. She was even willing to sacrifice her chance at love because she didn’t want to waste her energy fighting society’s overwhelming and cruel opinion of her physical profile. 
          As a fat, black woman I was ALL in with this character as she navigated her successful career and chased her dreams. The best part of all is that she received a chance at love again from the most unlikely source and that gave me hope. 
          Beautifully written with lots of wit, humor, steaminess and Girl Power! You’ll love this story!❤️


It was my pleasure.❤️


Reading this warmed my heart! ❤️ I’m so happy you enjoyed it and the fact that you could see yourself in Naomi is the reason why I write. I want readers to see themselves where they often aren’t represented. 
            Thank you for taking the time to read, comment and write this wonderful review! ❤️



@SaymyAli oh, thanks. I hope to see your comments soon. 


I am. I haven’t been reading much on Wattpad because I’ve been catching up on other platforms that I follow. I was struggling a bit with the book because it was hard for me to follow initially. I made it to the wedding and I felt like things were starting to come together but then I fell off. 
            There is a reader who commented a lot and that helped me understand the book better along the way. But as a reader, I just like to read and try to figure things out for myself. 
            I am going to try again but I’m going to start from the beginning. I love your determination to write and I feel like you have a unique point of view. I also want to support your endeavors. 
            Thanks fir not giving up on me. I promise I won’t give up on you. 


@SaymyAli TYSM! I don't know if you are still interested in my book or not, though, I would love to know your feeling about the characters and plot!