Hi people! Today I found an inspiring speech by a one-shot author!Hope this inspires you too!
Here it is:
(A/N)- Hey guys! I decided to keep going with this one. For this one shot- Yuuri has disappeared.Poof. Sorry, but he'll be back soon! I need requests- it's hard to come up with stuff on my own, so please help!!! I just want you guys to know (since these one shot parts aee dealing with a dark subject) that the world is'nt so bad if you look really close. There is always something to do, and see. There's certainly a point to living. They say your life flashes before you die. It does. It's called living. Our lives are short, and we need to make the most of them. Sometimes I hear people say, "What's the point? We're all gonna die anyway." Well, yes we will die. But what about before that? I don't know about you- but there are so many things I want to do before I die. Visit Europe, Japan, Alaska. I want to get married and have kids. I want to watch sunsets and eat ice cream. There are stressfuland hard things- sometimes we all want to give up. But then I remember all I want to do and see, who I want to spend time with... And suddenly, all suffering is worth while. I want to Live, Laugh, Love and Learn- and if it comes with tough stuff, so be it. If you can't find meaning- then I say wither look harder or stop looking and live, and one day you'll find that you've found it. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!