"I love you for all that you once were, all that you are, and all that you have yet to become."

Hello fellow book lovers. I would tell you my name, but it's kind of a classified file to me. So, just call me Bee(it's a play on words of the first initial of my name.)

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."

I hope that you will join me in this journey of books, writing, and potential friendships(across the gift that is wifi.) You may not like some of the books I write, or my style. I'm fine with that. Tell me what you think, tell me what I could change, tell me what I could do. The key word to that is could. This is my account, my medium, and if you don't like it, there are plenty of other great accounts for you. Like the ones that I follow(go check them out ;D.)

"The only the way you can truly live is if you can destroy what destroys you."

Thank you so much for looking at my profile. If you've read this far, thank you for that! If you read my books, thank you for that as well! I also want to thank a growing list of people who have made me smile.


"The stars inside of us can't shine without our darkness as well."
  • Where the White Rabbit Takes Me
  • JoinedJanuary 18, 2015
