Hello guys I'm here to update some things I will be trying to post two pages a week if I can. Or just one really long page in a book chapter.
You see I'm still new to Wattpad and I haven't got the whole riding thing down so I'm not quite sure what is a good amount to write.
4000? Or 3687? I know in my old Scarlett x goofy book the final page was 20,000 words long .
You see I want to make it so that there's not that many pages in my book but the pages are long, because not many people want to read a 30 piece book, unless the book is very interesting and I know my books are not interesting.
I know most of you just see them on the page and you're like what's this?
I'll let you know that I'm currently a little bit art block but it's just I have ideas I don't know how to plan them.
I have an idea for ( Moon x crystal Insane me)
I have idea's for the remastered ( Goofy x oc) remake and idea's for My personal favorite character (Mally / Malamouse)
How do I say this for example I have the sketch but I don't know how to draw it .
So yeah it's mostly art block
But don't worry I haven't abandoned you guys it's just I don't have a proper schedule and I do it in my own time . ( I got it!)
( I'm going to make a schedule right here I might not stick to it but I'll try ,. I will be planing to publish pages on Wednesday's "just not today cuz it's me first day" but that gives me a full week to make something for you guys, see you then❤️❤️❤️)