I’m not trying to sound or be rude but does anyone even read my stories anymore? If you do comment or react or something let me know I’m not just writing for no reason I miss being able to talk to y’all
I’m not trying to sound or be rude but does anyone even read my stories anymore? If you do comment or react or something let me know I’m not just writing for no reason I miss being able to talk to y’all
Diamond: *curtsies* hello dear friend.
Me: hiiiii i miss u sissyyyyyy. U never responded back to me. :(
Diamond:im only here because im a figment of her imagination. I know the meaning of life and the universe. Ithasnomeaningweareallgonnadiebabiesarealiensweareallalie-
Me: *covers her mouth* heh...i hope we get to talk soon