
/      the     fc     crisis   is   real . 


“ you look rough… I don’t believe your arm is supposed to bend that way .. ”


@cvpidlve    (  . . .  )        thank   you   ,    for   that   insightful   observation .  way   to   make   a   gal   to   feel   good   about   herself .        [       dry   sarcasm    dripped    from   the   russian   woman’s   tongue   as   her   teeth   gritted   ,     leaning   her   head   back   against   the   wall .   her   steel   blue   hues   fixated   on   the   other   woman   ,    skeptical   .    her   hand   clutched   her   dodgy   arm   as   she   pushed   herself   away   from   the   wall .       ]        I’ll   be   fine .     it’s   only   dislocated .    


wow  ...  you’re actually dressed up for once.  you look nice.  have you got something nice planned for tonight? 


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i used to think the same but  ..  things changed.  you meet people and some you have more of a connection with than others.   *   it was hard for alyssa to get out the words she wanted to get across to kalina without revealing too much about her own relationship   *   trust me,  there’s always someone for everyone.  no matter how fucked up you deem yourself.  and let’s say you do meet that someone,  maybe that’ll be your reasoning for giving up your current lifestyle in favour of a more relaxed one. 


@shieldsagent-   (  . . .  )      do   you   honestly   see   me   as   the   sort    of   person   who   would   find   contentment   in   life   by   settling   down   with   someone   ?    hет  ( no ) .   besides ,   no   poor   bastard   would   want   to   be   tied   down   to   this   kind   of   lifestyle .       [        kalina   muttered   ,    tucking   her   hair   behind   her   ears   .    she   needed   to   cut   it   soon   —   it   was   getting   too   long .   it   was   just   her   lifestyle   that   made   her   avoid   settling   down   at   all  costs   .    she   was   afraid   to   open   up ,   let   someone   in .   one   night   stands   gave   her   what   she   needed   without   having   to   do   that .       ] 


*   a groan didn't fail to leave the brunettes lips due to kalina's unsavoury words   *   i don't need the details.  but don't you think it's time to give up the one night stands?  maybe find someone to settle down with?   *   she gave a nod of approval before taking a seat on the edge of the couch.  she wouldn't stay long now that she knew kalina had somewhere to be   * 


"  —  it's not my fault  ,  okay? how was I supposed to know metal death traps just roamed the streets? we used carriages in my town  ,  carriages! you all have mechanical demons on your roads  ... "


   /     lol no worries! robins a handful  ,  hostility is a reasonable reaction 
            "you don't talk   /  enough  /   ,  mate. don't knock it 'till you  ...  " he paused  ,  lips pursed. "yeah no  ,  I'm not well versed on all these sayin's yet. you get what I mean though." he made a motion as if to wave her off  ,  smile in place all the while. he was used to being told he was too loud, too chatty, too much. blah blah that would just make him talk more. "aren't you the one bein' more cocky 'ere? executin' defenseless 'ol me? mm  ...  can't believe you'd do such a thing."


@rbnhd-    (  . . .  )      … you   … talk   too   much .    [       she   responded   eventually   after   he   had   finished  his  commentary .   disbelief   flickered   over   her   features   as   she   glanced   over   her   shoulder  at   the   busy   road   that   had   almost   squashed   him   like   a   bug .    where   exactly   did   he   say   he   was   from   again ?    kalina   pursed   her   lips   ,    her   eyebrows   raising   at   his   ‘ attention ‘   comment  .  she   exhaled   sharply,   an   exasperated   scoff   escaping   her   as   she   rolled   her   eyes.    ]    … and   you’re   too   cocky .     [     the  assassin    muttered   ,     sending   him   a   look .     ]     / I /  will   execute   you   if    you   are   not   careful .   are   you   following   me ? 
            /     don’t   mind   her   —   she’s   hostile   towards   people   she   doesn’t   know   well    —   she   will   eventually   warm   up   XD 


"a car? they just shortened carriage  ,  that's so unoriginal." he quipped  ,  patting down his jacket after he was released. "and who doesn't want attention? even if it's in the form of almost gettin' crushed  ... " he looked back over at the road  ,  grimace dragging over his face. "and am I  ...  not supposed to be here? from what I've heard this is a free country. I'm allowed to walk wherever I want  —  which is bafflin'  ,  in my eyes. trespass in the wrong place back 'ome and you might end up executed." he barked out a bit of a laugh  ,  shoulders raising in a bit of a shrug.


i didn’t realise getting your ass kicked was having things  ‘  under control  ’.   so do i get my thank you now or later? … 


it’s part of my job.  what you are doing is  / illegal /  and you’re going to get yourself killed in the process!    *    her arms dropped,  kalina’s judging expression more obvious than ever.  still,  the brunette followed after her    *    you’ve taken on a responsibility that no one needs you to.  putting your own life at risk isn’t worth it for whatever little money you’re making out of this.    *    once close enough,  alyssa grabbed onto kalina’s forearm to stop her from walking away    *    let me help you,  kalina.  i can help you with money,  finding a home and job.  just let me help you,  sestra. 


@shieldsagent-   (  . . .  )      I    wasn’t    actually    joking .     how    many    times    have    / you /    come   back   from    missions      all    battered    and     bruised    ?      [       she    asked    pointedly   ,      one    eyebrow   raising    at   alyssa’s    stance   .     the   other    totally    looked    like    a    mom   scolding    her    child .    kalina   scoffed   ,   shaking   her    head    as    she    brushed    past    the    agent .     ]      you    make    it    sound  like   I’m    not    good    at    what    I   do .   I    don’t   get   my    ass    kicked    every    night .    and   I   do     this    because    it   needs    to    be   done .      [     the    russian   woman   muttered   with   a     hardened    expression    on    her    features .     ]       that’s   not   important .    it’s my   problem ,   my    responsibility .    


*    alyssa made sure kalina was steady on her feet before retracting her hand and instead mirroring the other as they both rest on her hips    *    kalina,  this isn’t a joke.  every time you show up,  your injuries get worse and worse.  do you enjoy getting your ass kicked every night?    *    it pained her to see the other like this,  but there was only so much she could help someone who didn’t want it    *    who did this to you? 


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“ what the fuck happened to you…? and no 
          don’t just brush it off you’re basically in a pool 
          of your own blood.. ”


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@cvpidlve   (  . . .  )     [      the    assassin    let   out    a    strained   huff      as    she   pressed   her    hand    to   her    side   ,   her   bunched up   jacket   balled    against    the    injury  . her   mouth   opened   ,   then   closed    again .   how   had    he   known    she   was going   to   brush    it    off ?      ]        it’s   not   / all /   my   blood .      [        kalina    defended    ,    as   she   inhaled     a   sharp   breath   ,   gritting    her   teeth  .    her    eyes    briefly   closed   as   she   rested   her head   back against    the    brick   wall   ,    before   she   groaned   as   she   struggled    to haul   herself    to her    feet .      ]       I   got    fucking    ambushed  ,    that’s   what   happened . 


'lina?  what the hell are you doing here.


@wolfpd     (  . . .  )       it’s    complicated .      [          kalina    would    have   liked   to   say     that    she    had    escaped    the    clutches   of the    red    room    on    her   own   ,    but   that would’ve   been   a   lie .    she    had    yelena   belova    and    natasha   romanoff    to    thank    for    that .   but   ever since    being    / free / ,   kalina    had    felt    lost ,     unsure   of   her    purpose   .     she    was    a trained    killer   ,    bred    for   it   since    she    was    a    mere    child .    so    ,    unlike    many   of    the    other    former    widows   who    had    tried    to lead     normal    lives    ,    kalina   had   continued   to hunt   and    kill   those   / she /   deemed    as    deserving  ,  on    her   own   terms  .    she    saw   it   as    justice ,    to   use   her   skills   in   a   way   that   she   believed    could    protect   others    in   the  long-term ,   even   if   not   everyone   viewed    it    that    way .     ]      / client /  ?   you’re   taking   contracts   now   ?     [      she   muttered    ,   raising   her   eyebrow   ,   before   her   lips    pursed .      ]     no .   I can’t trust   you .     [     she   stated   bluntly   ,   almost coldly .   could   he really    blame    her ?     her   feet   had   already   begun   to   move  past   him ,   focused   on   her   own   mission .     ]      I   don’t   need   your   help .    


@killerwidows  it would take a lot for me to.    (    however,  even a response like that would remain vague.  as if he avidly chose a meticulous choice of words,  one of which wouldn’t allow kalina into the years of what had happened to him.    )    so you chose to leave as well.  well,  i suppose mine wasn’t by choice.    (    he stares at her now,  no longer fixated on the gun as his eyes narrow.    )    no one in particular,  i can’t disclose information of my client.  however,  i don’t think our goals are too far off from one another.  not that i’m much of a team player,  i’d say we’d have better odds to do it together,  but you have to trust me.  can you?


@wolfpd     (  . . .  )      vague   as   ever .     you    haven’t     changed .        [        the   female   assassin     commented    ,     her     steely    blue    eyes    fixated    on    his    every    movement    ,    analytical .     yes   ,   they   had   known    each    other    (  pretty  well   in   fact  )   ,   but     that    was   in   the   past    now .     kalina    had    always    been    skeptical    ,    distrustful .    she   hadn’t   seen    andrey    in years   .    who   knows   what    had    happened    in    that    time   .       ]         no   one   asks   me   ,   or   tells   me   ,    to   go anywhere   .    not    anymore   .     I’m    free to make    my    own    choices .      [        she    did not    release    her   hold   on    her   gun   ,    despite    his   wandering    gaze    to   it .    the bullets    were    not   meant    for   him   ,   unless    he    decided    to   get    in    her    way .    unless    he was   a    threat .           ]       who    are    you    looking    for    ? 


You're  late.  Again.


@acterror    (  . . .  )     eдва   (  hardly  ) .   i     just    don’t   appreciate   being    / patronised /   .     [       she    responded    ,    fingers   tapping   slowly   on   her    arms   as   her   eyebrow   rose .    the   assassin’s   gaze    briefly   flickered    to   his   hand   —    she’d   rather   stand     ,     but   nevertheless ,   eventually    she    sat   ,   the   corner   of   her mouth    twitching    upwards   slightly .       ]            no .   I’m   not .   which   is   why   you   won’t  be    getting   it   back   unless   you   tell   me why .    a   man   like   you   / surely /   has   access   to   other   guns .     
            / tut tut 


/   lmao sorry 


I  didn't  know  you  were  allergic  to  affection.   I  suppose  most  Russian  women  are.    [    his  tone  remained  flat  as  he  elegantly  crossed  his  legs,   looking  up  at  her     ]   Take  a  seat.    [    he  made  a  gesture  with  his  hand     ]    You're  good  at  what  you  do...   you  wouldn't  lose  a  gun.   You  don't  seem  reckless  to  me.     