
hey friends,
          	after careful consideration i've decided to switch platforms. you can find me and my stories on ao3 @ killjoy333. i'm going to be slowly removing stories from here. if there are other platforms that are more preferable to readers i am open to making an account.
          	I've been on this app for years and have seen it's many phases. i loved reading on here and learning how to write but recent events have left a sour taste in my mouth.
          	it took three months for wattpad to respond to my ticket regarding the removal of my story beta. it was removed during the april 15th purge. i was told i could not retrieve any of my own work back and to refer to the guidelines and policies. it's upsetting knowing that they generate income from the ads on my stories and respond with slow response time and poor customer service. i try not to be bitter and hope this serves as a cautionary tale for other writers to back up their stories.
          	maybe i will revisit wattpad in the future, but for now i cannot support a platform that does not support me.
          	thank you all for your support and fueling my passion for writing
          	love yall xoxo
          	(rip beta, but i’m thinking about a rewrite;))


gasp!!! i agree wattpad has become a very depressing place to be on, i hope ao3 treats you well!! will be following or subscribing whatever the term is. and for beta…i hope you get around for a rewrite


hey friends,
          after careful consideration i've decided to switch platforms. you can find me and my stories on ao3 @ killjoy333. i'm going to be slowly removing stories from here. if there are other platforms that are more preferable to readers i am open to making an account.
          I've been on this app for years and have seen it's many phases. i loved reading on here and learning how to write but recent events have left a sour taste in my mouth.
          it took three months for wattpad to respond to my ticket regarding the removal of my story beta. it was removed during the april 15th purge. i was told i could not retrieve any of my own work back and to refer to the guidelines and policies. it's upsetting knowing that they generate income from the ads on my stories and respond with slow response time and poor customer service. i try not to be bitter and hope this serves as a cautionary tale for other writers to back up their stories.
          maybe i will revisit wattpad in the future, but for now i cannot support a platform that does not support me.
          thank you all for your support and fueling my passion for writing
          love yall xoxo
          (rip beta, but i’m thinking about a rewrite;))


gasp!!! i agree wattpad has become a very depressing place to be on, i hope ao3 treats you well!! will be following or subscribing whatever the term is. and for beta…i hope you get around for a rewrite


WHERE DID THE AIZAWA FANFIC GO….. is my phone tweaking or did it get removed .. T_T I was in the middle of reading it ,,,, it’s so good 


@killjoy3333 i support the re-write. but youre right life does move on. thank you for trying(fingers crossed that you'll get it back tho), and thank you for gracing us with THE aizawa ff


@Platonicii i’m so glad you enjoyed it! it’s been over a week and i haven’t heard anything back so im not very hopeful it’ll be back up. im considering doing a rewrite but it would probably be very different because i wrote beta 2 or 3 years ago and can’t really remember the plot lines. im bummed it was deleted but life moves on i suppose. thank you for your kind words


@killjoy3333 hello! i’ve read your beta ff multiple times ever since i’ve stumbled upon it, and that was like shortly after it was done. And i just wanted to say that your aizawa ff was one of the best stories i’ve ever read and when i found out today that it deleted i genuinely felt empty. i just wanted you to know that it was my go-to fic whenever i felt the slightest of negative emotions. I do hope you get it back up❣️


I just realized I never thanked you for the master piece of a book beta. I just wanted you to know that you’re writing is magnificent and all those creative romantic scenes made me have butterflies. Thank you for ur amazing books ❤️❤️❤️❤️


of course, i’m glad you enjoyed them❤️❤️


just finished heaven belongs to you for the second time- i finished it in less that a week… like way less… STOP CREATING UNHEALTHY ADDICTIONS I CANT HELP IT 


im sorry i’ll have to update it soon