Frozen 2 T Shirt
Frozen 2 (stylized as Frozen II) is an upcoming American computer-animated musical fantasy film in production by Walt Disney Animation Studios, and is the sequel to Frozen (2013). The film features the returning voices of Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad, along with the new voices of Evan Rachel Wood and Sterling K. Brown. It is scheduled to be released by Walt Disney Pictures on November 22, 2019, in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D formats.
When asked about future sequels, producer Peter Del Vecho explained in March 2014 that Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee and he "work very, very well together, so I believe we will be developing a new project. But I don't know what that is right now."[3] In late April, Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan F. Horn said that "we haven't really talked about a sequel" because the studio's current priority is the planned Broadway musical, which will require "four or five" additional songs to be written by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez.