
          	How are you doing?
          	I thought I should give you an update on my current situation and some of the reasons why I haven’t been updating for months.
          	I’ve been really busy and stressed lately due to covid, and I know everyone is experiencing the same thing.
          	I’m currently away from my home country in the EU and I’m stuck here in Asia. Before all of this happened, I came here as an int'l student to enjoy my gap year before the start of the first year of uni back in my home country. Most of the other int'l students (friends) have gone back to their home countries and we’re only a couple left in the int'l dorm. 
          	The university is taking care of us, doing grocery runs every Friday so we don’t run out of food. We cannot leave/re-enter the campus once we go out. Only the person doing the groceries is allowed to do that. In other words, I’m more than safe in here. I have plenty of food, friends to videocall with, and I can even stroll around the campus (and for that, I'm really thankful).
          	My parents have been very concerned and want me to go back. I too, want to go back to EU, since the whole semester has been cancelled and nothing awaits for me here. The quarantine just keeps getting extended, and sooner or later I’m gonna have to go back. Plane tix are really expensive atm, plus I have other visa-related issues I've got to fix... Lately, I've just been studying (even though I get an instant pass) as well as sorting out immigration stuff, so writing hasn't been my main focus.
          	 I want apologise to those who have kindly read/commented on my stories, and my new lovely followers I gladly welcome with open arms. I wish I could reply to your messages, but for now, they'll remain unanswered. Don't worry, I will get back to you ASAP  <3
          	I WANT to keep going with 'incognito.' 
          	I promise, I WON'T let this story die. 
          	I will FINISH this.
          	Thank you for your continuous support, and please stay safe. 
          	I love you all.


@killuwua Girl its been four yrs-


@killuwua gurly its been two years-


omg pls take care !! stay safe and i hope your days are filled with more happiness from now on ❤️❤️❤️ l


they've been gone ever since areum passed i think?


idk there's a author they follow and that had passed near the same time killuwu stopped updating so i jus thought it connected 


@Jjmidguy who’s areum ? what happened?