
So..  I have severe  anxiety....  Especially flare up in xm times..  My sleep is almost gone cuz i stay wake in mind.. So yeah.. Pray for me...  
          	Cuz it really hard.. 
          	(I dont even have  a frnd to share so i m sharing  here)


@kim0986 honestly trust yourself it's really hard even for me I have no will for my exams but you have to do it so breathe have confidence and it will pass


So..  I have severe  anxiety....  Especially flare up in xm times..  My sleep is almost gone cuz i stay wake in mind.. So yeah.. Pray for me...  
          Cuz it really hard.. 
          (I dont even have  a frnd to share so i m sharing  here)


@kim0986 honestly trust yourself it's really hard even for me I have no will for my exams but you have to do it so breathe have confidence and it will pass


Can you guys give me some study tips?  I really need some


@NiniKim58 like my cls or group 


Hey !!! First of all I am sorry for late update again!!!! . Plot and everything is ready.  Finally I found a best version of my ongoing story however I still couldn't get a proper time to wrote it properly . 
          Tbh  now I m understanding those author whom I used say as a reader how can they couldn't get an hour to write something . 
          Now I understand them it actually difficult to write if you already have too much in your plate . 
          Again I am sorry .. maybe at least one of you are waiting for my update. I am apologize to you for making wait this long . 
          In my homeland, Bangladesh it's crazy weather . Temperature is raising like it's rent due . So please take care of you guys properly.
          ( I have three xm tomorrow physics (3 hr) biology (3 hr)  and Bangla (1hr) .. yeah I should study tonight) 


@kim0986 in which class are you??


this message may be offensive
" I love you "...  
           dr.dan is really insane for saying that.  I mean,  like JJK has looks,  rich,  hot as fuck but his personality ruins all of that.  I like toxic tops and bottom.  But still.. It's too much for me also.  
          Btw,  can you guys suggest some cute age gap stories? Manga and ff both


Hi I am really happy after a long time I read three of your stories in two days they have so much depth it feels like I lived there and felt their presence pain also relief for the first time I read something soul satisfying masterpiece thanks  and enjoyed the words they were written so nicely❤️


You will you have it in you don’t mind us continue what you do as always they are beautiful ✊


@Noman29  I hope my future self will be make you feel you like this again. 


Hi .. I am sleepy like the amount you can think now . But i dont feel like to sleep  . Yeah I am weird . 
          Ok .. I have two options for you guys 
          1. An update from Responsibility .
          2. The special gift i promise from family . 
          I have idea for both yet i have no time infact i don't have proper time to finish one property nowdays . 
          Well ... I would have proper time if i didn't spoil my days roaming around in nonsense now have a month to complete a humongous syllables I don't know how i will do that . So yeah .. which one you guys want . 


          well,  I was looking for love story without so many regular love story i was looking for a non spoken yet vocal by action story.  
          I couldn’t find so. .. 
          I WILL WROTE MY OWN. 
          I hope you guys will join my journey.  


@kim0986 hashhh... This writers block, account deleted eating all of my head... Coz of these, we lost many accounts from here... I can't stand against it... Humphh.. Bt hate it..
            No doubt would love to read every story