
So i updated the bad boy with the black bow tie…only took a me a year…yeah sorry about that <3


I'm really sorry for sort of well disappearing, I haven't touched any of my stories since the 26th June, summer wasn't the best time for me this year, i'm back now though, can't guarantee it'll be for long but i'm gonna try and write something for you guys soon!! Literally all I do these days is work, i'm trying to save to go to University next year so I apologise in advance if I disappear again soon, i'm really bad committing to things :/ <3


Life Update for you all, finally turned 18!! Two months left in college, exams and stuff coming up, i've got a job, maybe even two if monday goes well...but what i've come here to say is that i'm really sorry that i haven't been writing much, well at all -_- i've been extremely busy and have barely time to breathe! I hate leaving you all wait for my uploads, but i really haven't had the time, but on June 6th I finish education :) and will only hopefully have a weekend job for the whole of summer so hopefully i can write loads for you guys to read over summer, but I am really gonna try and give you a chapter or two over the next two months...but i'm not promising anything, i'm just going to try my best! So big apologies for no uploads! And i'm hoping you'll all carry on reading my books, even if i'm not uploading and i shall try and get some chapters done for you soon! Well that's a massive read for you all :L But i will be back...that i promise! Goodbye for now, Kim :) <3


I apologise for not uploading, i'm back in college, snowed under with coursework already -_- not amused, but i've been trying to get that out of the way as well as trying to have a social life, therefore leaving me no time to myself and to write, so i really am sorry if i still take a while to upload once again, I have written a bit but not enough to upload, so once i get time to myself and a good chapter written i shall upload as soon as it's done <3 


Right guys, i'm going to apologise in advance because tomorrow is results day and the day after i'm going away on holiday for 2 weeks and i'm going to try and write down some ideas while i'm away but i can't guarantee anything so i apologise if i do not upload for a while, but i promise as soon as i'm back i'll be back into writing for you :)! <3