
@FluteChicK24  Okay, the weekend has finally arrived, and I'm hoping to steal some time to read more of your story!  Thanks for reading's my first written novel, and I made many mistakes with it. LOL. But you live and learn and always hope to improve!!
          I'll list the books that I've read that helped me with my writing journey:
          The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Character Expression by Angela Ackerman  & Becca Puglisi.  There are a lot more in this series. I own The Negative Trait Thesaurus and also The Positive Trait Thesaurus.
          The Complete INDIE Editor: 55 Essential copy-edits for the Professional Independent Author by Kev Heritage.
          Take Off Your Pants! Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker.  (This book is an amazing way to outline. It makes writing the story so much easier)
          The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller by John Truby.  (I haven't read this one yet)
          The Writer's Guide to Character Emotion by S. A. Soule.  (This book will help you delve into a deeper POV. A deeper POV really brings to life your book.)
          I believe you're off to an amazing start. There is so much talent in the chapters I've read so far. I love writing. It's a great escape from the pressures of life.
          Remember, if you decide to do the traditional route of publishing, research everything you can on quarry letters. That is the first thing people see, and it has to be polished.  That's about all I know on Trad Pubs because I self-pubbed.
          If you decide to self-pub, it's super easy to get started. But you do want your manuscript to be error free. Something I strived for but failed in the beginning. 
          Keep writing! And if you have a specific question when the time comes for publishing, feel free to ask me. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge!


I've read the first few chapters but plan on reading on. The story is intriguing. One thing you will have to do is have a good content or developmental editor. They can get pretty expensive. I used a developmental editor for book one and two along with an editor and proofreader. I still have errors, which believe me, they get pointed out by the grammar queens. Even if you decide to traditionally pub, you'll need to present a clean manuscript and have the formatting crisp. I'll make a list when I can get to my computer about some books on writing that I've read and swear by.  These are books that help improve your craft. I'm always looking for ways to improve. Lol. Also, kindle boards, writers cafe is a great source of information. You have to sift through some topics, but I learned so much from people's generosity of sharing what worked for them. I'll get back later with more info.  I don't have a bunch of time to read with my other commitments, but I'm squeezing in your story when I can.