Hi to anyone who started reading/is currently reading/or has finished reading my book A Stranger To Yourself (Previously known as I Curse You All to Hell and Back) if you haven't visited it in a long time or just haven't seen the newest part —the new intro I added to the beginning— then I'll let you all know that I'm sorry for abandoning my book and all of the people who read it.
From a little while before now and in present time I've been and am working on improving my story. I'm going through (though it may be at the pace of a turtle) and editing everything I need to to fix the spelling errors and eventually tie up all of the loose strings so that, in the end, I can give Katia's story the ending a planned such a long time ago.
I know that some of you will never see this message and gave up on my book a long time ago, but to those who still want to read it, I encourage you to wait a little while, go back and read it and see the changes I've made (though they won't differ too much from what I originally wrote) and see how they make more sense and give the story an actual plot (hopefully) THANKS FOR READ and as I always hvpave, I love and appreciate you all SO MUCH! ❤️