
hello! as several years passed by and after much contemplating, i finally decided to close this account for good. i can't express my gratitude in words alone. the comments, views, messages, and support and love i've received mean so much to me; they're what kept me going and helped me believe in myself when i wrote. i'm sad to announce this as i absolutely loved the community i was once part of, but due to personal reasons, this account will be permanently closed. thank you, everyone! i wish you all safety and security during these times. i love you all. <3


@kimdailys we'll miss you :(


Love you too, thank you for your impact here, you will of course be very missed and I wish you well! Stay safe <3


hello! as several years passed by and after much contemplating, i finally decided to close this account for good. i can't express my gratitude in words alone. the comments, views, messages, and support and love i've received mean so much to me; they're what kept me going and helped me believe in myself when i wrote. i'm sad to announce this as i absolutely loved the community i was once part of, but due to personal reasons, this account will be permanently closed. thank you, everyone! i wish you all safety and security during these times. i love you all. <3


@kimdailys we'll miss you :(


Love you too, thank you for your impact here, you will of course be very missed and I wish you well! Stay safe <3


          as i began to prepare for my online classes, i had a lot of time to think about what i want to do with this account. i definitely want to write again! i'm just not sure if i would write bts fanfics again, since i'm very outdated with the group.
          so far, the only plan i've only thought of is to revise all my bts fanfics. hopefully, i'll be able to finish revising before december comes.


@kimdailys np ! i just love your writing a lot :)))


@tzutzutzuyu thank you so much! :D


oh, god! it thrills me that people are still reading my works here! it's an amazing feeling, and words alone cannot express my gratitude to my readers! i love you all, and hopefully, i will pick up writing here again; not now, but soon.
          stay safe, everyone!


Uhm... Hi, can people who see this please read this? For just one moment...
          Hello, I'm sadsopenation~ I'm a new writer, and I am working on a book right now called sun and moon, I have been trying to start it up, and I tell you, it's been pretty hard work. I've spent nights writing and deciding which ff I was going to publish, I have many but I only have published one. I know my book isn't much but I put my heart into it, it's not complete, and I will update soon, but please whoever actually read this... I beg of you read my book, and tell other people about it, please, and if you've made it this far in the comment your officially my best friend, sorry I don't make rules and vote for it please. And please spread it around, you'd be an absolute savior and I will cherish you for helping me out so dearly, thank you loves, bye now
                            Sadsopenation ~
          P.s. I know I mentioned earlier but the book is called Sun And Moon


i miss being here so much! seeing all your messages have made me realized how i loved writing so much. i'm also very happy to know that people are still reading my works despite my long breaks.
          i'm not certain yet if i'm really coming back as a writer, but i decided for now to revise my current published works in order to correct any mistakes. thank you so much for understanding and supporting, guys! i love you all. x