
The world is moving round and round ,and I'm still in my place .
          	Feeling lonely in the dark room ,and hugging my pillow after the strong storm. 
          	I start to feel emotionless ,
          	But the thought disappear at the sight of your face .
          	The strong light around you ,
          	Make everything around me disappear,
          	And so does the words. 
          	I don't know what should I say ,
          	Or how should I react .
          	But all I know is ....
          	That I love you ~


@kimgiyun  the heck I was thinking back then 


The world is moving round and round ,and I'm still in my place .
          Feeling lonely in the dark room ,and hugging my pillow after the strong storm. 
          I start to feel emotionless ,
          But the thought disappear at the sight of your face .
          The strong light around you ,
          Make everything around me disappear,
          And so does the words. 
          I don't know what should I say ,
          Or how should I react .
          But all I know is ....
          That I love you ~


@kimgiyun  the heck I was thinking back then 


Hello hello~ I just finished reading your 'Love Trip' fanfic :) you have quite a plot there ㅋㅋ
          Me like ~ 
          fighting ! And continue to update more and more :DD 
          I support you and your fanfiction-ing (is that even a word ? Lol) anyways this message is getting long haha <333 
          Many sarangs, chingu~ ❤️


@sapphireblue101 hi chingu~ 
            Im really so so so happy because you like it, you're so sweeet (sweeter than sweet .Lol i just remember BS&T lyrics) ,i hope that you enjoyed reading .
            And yah~ this fanfiction-ing word ...hmm~ i like it tho ㅋㅋㅋㅋ .
            And again thanks for the support ;) 