
5 Tahap dalam Hubungan - Tahap 3: Kekecewaan is up up up up! Semoga kalian nggak bosen bacanya yaaa


Kelamaan nggak nulis, otak buntu... Aku mau nerjemahin cerita-cerita taeny lama ke Bahasa Indonesia aja kali ya....


@Triniar20 ahahaha aku nyoba dulu yaaaa, kalau jelek kayanya aku menyerah deh. Aku nggak biasa nulis Bahasa Indonesia.


@kimkimsara yg lain juga ya Thor nanti versi b.indo nya semua cerita TaeNy km 


@Triniar20 aku coba yang 5 Stages of Relationship yaaaaa...


Hola everyone! I'm not sure whether most of my followers are Indonesians or foreigners. But most of the piece I've written here is in English, so I will just use English here.
          How are you today? Hopefully you've been well and even if life gives you lemon, you get to make a lemonade :)
          I joined wattpad in 2016, and been writing fanfic since 2015. I still remember when I first started, it was because I am a huge fan of Taeny (Taeyeon and Tiffany from Girls' Generation). I think you can tell from the works I have here. Most of them are about Taeny. But those early years of writing have changed a lot. Some Girls' Generation members have quitted SM. Taeyeon and Tiffany didn't show much interaction anymore. More senior Taeny authors have been taking either hiatus, stopped writing about Taeny, and some even stopped writing at all.
          I too, do change. I moved company. I changed job roles from sales, to marketing, to digital (and thank God, there's some salary adjustment as well), and I don't have as much time as I previously had.
          However, I still love to write. Some stories I posted here haven't finished yet. Sometimes I am becoming too sure that I would be able to write multiple stories at once because I was able to do that during my early years. But again, things changed. I realized during my time of a very long hiatus, I lost my writing progression - making me confused of what I was writing, is it really the story I wanna write? Nevertheless, I can't back away from the commitment I have (to my readers if you guys are still here, and also to myself). I once promised I will finish any story I've started. So this year, I am trying to push myself writing again. I might update slow and you might notice that I am taking baby step to get back on track again. I hope I can still see familiar names around, and talk to you guys more often. I miss interacting with readers and fellow author. So, please feel free to drop me any DMs here or in instagram. I'd love to talk to you guys.


halloo, sorry izin promosi yaa 
          baru pub new book nih! 
          cast nya Freenbecky
          Freen dan Becky sudah lama menjalin persahabatan, Freen sangat menyayangi Becky dan bahkan sangat menjaganya
          Namun saat sebuah rahasia terungkap, Freen yang seorang homophobic memutuskan persahabatan mereka
          Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? bisa baca di sini
