
Hi guys! I never really written anything here!! So, just trying out! I have a new story going on, THE GAME. Please check it out and promote if you can. I'll start posting one fact about me each day. And also a book, so.. Yeah! 
          	And also, check my story, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. 
          	Anyway guys, i NEED your help. COVERS! COVERS! COVERS! For my books! Kindly send it to me through LINE OR EMAIL. 
          	LINE: kimlovesumatra 
          	I love singing. 
          	Books: I Sold Myself to the Devil... For Vinyls... Pitiful I know. 
          	Yeah, the book is on wattpad! So, go check it out!


Hi guys! I never really written anything here!! So, just trying out! I have a new story going on, THE GAME. Please check it out and promote if you can. I'll start posting one fact about me each day. And also a book, so.. Yeah! 
          And also, check my story, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. 
          Anyway guys, i NEED your help. COVERS! COVERS! COVERS! For my books! Kindly send it to me through LINE OR EMAIL. 
          LINE: kimlovesumatra 
          I love singing. 
          Books: I Sold Myself to the Devil... For Vinyls... Pitiful I know. 
          Yeah, the book is on wattpad! So, go check it out!