Hey! I’ve been inactive for a long time, but just wanted to share that I’ll be going to Yale next year to major in Creative Writing. I put Wattpad down as an extracurricular so if you’re a fanfic writer applying to college, DO IT!!! Your writing has been read by a large global audience, be proud of it! (other stats if ur interested: 4.6 gpa, 1540 SAT, won international essay competitions, volunteered for writing-related nonprofits, attended highly reputable writing camps, etc.) I used to be uncomfortable telling people I wrote fanfiction, but looking back on it, I’m really proud of the stories I crafted and the experience I gained from it. Writing fanfic sparked by love for writing that led me to pursue it at my dream college :) So don’t ever listen to anyone who doesn’t take your Wattpad account seriously. Well — there’s my last little kernel of wisdom before I disappear into the abyss. I love you guys! Stay safe! Thank you for all the kind messages… mwah

@kimnahasnolife will you be coming back maybe in the far future or are you just going to be gone?