this message may be offensive
damn peoplr really get so fucking butthurt when i correct something in their works and when i somewhat explain the correction they go off on me like i just told them to kill themselves or something. and when i go into even greater detail as to why my suggestion would make more sense, they give me a snarky remark and then childishly mute me so that i can't reply??????????????? i don't even say the correction rudely, i just say "hey, _______ would sound better here." or "you should use ________ instead of ________ here." but obviously that's some sort of threat and i haven't figure it out yet????? wtf am i doing wrong?

@the-grammar-police my english is deteriorating, so like if you point out my mistakes I'd be happy ! (๑´ㅂ`๑)

this message may be
People are always butthurt when someone says something negative about them. You just got to accept it and life on ^_^ life is to short for shit like that

@the-grammar-police it's a bit ironic that i spelled "people" wrong huh? i typed this in a rush since i gotta leave in like 2 minutes....