
this message may be offensive
Rosé has been distant to  Lisa since the beginning of Seoul concert. I didn't see blinks mention it, but suddenly decided to make it a big deal of  when Lisa had enough and returned the same energy, even trying to make her a villain.
          	 Fuck all this shit Lisa looks so hot when she‘s mad, I like it.


@ kindly_liskook  they just decided have amnesia with the Seoul concert moments and set up lisa 


this message may be offensive
Rosé has been distant to  Lisa since the beginning of Seoul concert. I didn't see blinks mention it, but suddenly decided to make it a big deal of  when Lisa had enough and returned the same energy, even trying to make her a villain.
           Fuck all this shit Lisa looks so hot when she‘s mad, I like it.


@ kindly_liskook  they just decided have amnesia with the Seoul concert moments and set up lisa 