working on season 2 of mad world - the society, right now! it's difficult to write without knowing what they would have done with the show so hopefully i can do these characters justice <3
working on season 2 of mad world - the society, right now! it's difficult to write without knowing what they would have done with the show so hopefully i can do these characters justice <3
hey everyone! i just made a trailer for electric touch ・❥・
check it out if you're interested, it's also attached to the first chapter of the book:
annnnd the last rewritten chapter of bittersweet devotion has been posted! i can now officially say the story is complete. thank you to anyone who is still around all these years later. i hope you all love the story as much as i do
i am excited to announce that i will now be adding daddy issues to the list of regularly updated stories! new updates will now release every wednesday!! (starting today)
7 yrs later & i have officially finished editing bittersweet devotion! there will be 2 updated chapters releasing every week so keep an eye out. (also peep the new cover)
ALSO there will once again be regular weekly updates for mad world & fools gold ♥︎
i’m so happy!! i remember bittersweet devotion being one of my favourite stories on wattpad and one of my first to read. thank you so much for your hard work in bringing it to life and i’m so happy to see it back up! really brings back some incredible memories and nostalgia! ♡