
          	I'm going through my books and tidying them up, making them a little better. As I have been writing more my writing has (hopefully) improved and I wanna have work on here that is as good as it can be for you. 
          	So, if you get any notifs from me but can't see a new update that is why but new smut and Errartic chapter soon!
          	All my love.


          I'm going through my books and tidying them up, making them a little better. As I have been writing more my writing has (hopefully) improved and I wanna have work on here that is as good as it can be for you. 
          So, if you get any notifs from me but can't see a new update that is why but new smut and Errartic chapter soon!
          All my love.


          Couple new chapters of Erratic are out and… 
          “The little slut enjoyed that,” Niall asked, “didn’t she?” 
          “Y- yes.” I fumbled out, feeling weak in my knees. 
          I heard both of them hum in acknowledgment, carrying on their assault on my neck. Before Harry broke the messy silence.
          “Niall, do me a favour.” He asked, pulling away from my body and looking at him, “Can you see, or maybe feel, if my girl enjoyed that.” 
          … coming soon! 


Hello everyone!
          I promise I am not ditching you, life has finally slowed down so I’m ready to get back to writing.
          Smut is always on my mind but right now I want to make some progress with Erratic, but I am thinking to post some small clips on tiktok… would you like that? 
          Also! I don’t feel fully content with chapter three and might go back and edit it. If I do, I’ll let you know so you can have a re-read.
          Anyway, if you are still here I love and appreciate you and hope you are well and safe.
          All my love. 


Smut hit 10k. What is life. 
          Sending everyone big kisses, thank you for reading and leaving your comments! 
          I haven’t forgotten you all, collage is hectic and I am focusing on that. However… get ready for subrry. 
          All my love. 


          For future reference, would you rather see submissive harry or mile high club for the next one? 
          Also, we are so close to 10K on smut. What?? That is crazy. As always, I loved seeing your comments, they are probably my favourite thing to get.
          All my love. 


sub sub sub sub sub




          New smut one shot is out, jealous friend Harry anyone?
          Hope you all enjoy it and sorry for the delay.
          Also! Let me know what you want in the next one, I’m open to a lot of ideas so don’t be shy. 
          All my love. 


this message may be offensive
“Just tell me one thing baby,” he shut me up, running his tounge along the roof of his mouth, “If I pushed you on your dirty knees to the floor and made you choke on my fucking cock, tell me you wouldn’t get wet for daddy. Tell me that my naughty girl wouldn’t love that.” 
          ... coming soon. 




          As I am sure you are all probably aware, currently there are Palestinians suffering from horrendous acts of violence from the Israeli state and forces. As always, you must always be on the side of the oppressed. That means it is crucial that we show our solidarity to Palestinians. 
          The link attached is a very easy way to help. One click daily means you are supporting Palestine. As well, the Instagram @/haymarketbooks currently has a free ebook about Palestine. 

          For more important reading, @letstalkpalestine is amazing, I recommend you head over there.
          If you have time to read a 100k fanfic, you have time to read about the destruction costing innocent people their lives. So, let’s do what we can.