
i wanna write aruden so bad. ok book two of hirynne is done i'll prob move on to writing more aruden fluff


@king-jxe How about doing a dance au scene! Or a proposal/marriage fro Aru and Aiden! Hope you make 1! I love your stories!


@sanjanaaa- Ooh, that's cool. Lemme see if I can do something like that. I'll give you credit for the idea.


@king-jxe ooh for a oneshots idea how about a sad hirynne story (postmarriage) i know you wanna write aruden so bad but i feel like this is a great idea!!!


dude, i barely know you so im soooo sorry-
          Gentle reminder that,✨
          ✨Percy would want you to drink water✨
          ✨Annabeth would want you to stay safe✨ 
          ✨Grover would want you to take care if yourself and the environment✨
          ✨Jason would want you to ask for help if you can, when you need it✨
          ✨Piper would want you to love yourself✨
          ✨ Hazel would want you to be happy✨
          ✨Frank would want you to be unharmed✨ 
          ✨Nico would want you to stay alive✨
          ✨And Reyna would want you to stay strong✨
          Send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes after you finish reading this!
          If you get 3 or more back, those people who sent them back to you, care for you and want you to stay safe.
          If you don't send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes, then the gods will punish you for a year, with no way out


i wanna write aruden so bad. ok book two of hirynne is done i'll prob move on to writing more aruden fluff


@king-jxe How about doing a dance au scene! Or a proposal/marriage fro Aru and Aiden! Hope you make 1! I love your stories!


@sanjanaaa- Ooh, that's cool. Lemme see if I can do something like that. I'll give you credit for the idea.


@king-jxe ooh for a oneshots idea how about a sad hirynne story (postmarriage) i know you wanna write aruden so bad but i feel like this is a great idea!!!


Looking At Me • a Brynne and Hira story is finally complete. Thank you everyone for reading this. I've had many unique readers, and a hundred views in a couple of days is awesome.
          This story was extremely difficult to write even if it's just sappy fanfiction. I actually had to put a lot of my personal background in here, and some parts were especially difficult to write. I'm so glad it's all over. Thank you for taking the time to read even a sentence of this five-part short story.