
I am going be honest I just burned out but I will make and post more chapters soon stay tuned everyone sorry for not explaining and the long wait but you guys probably got better writers to read from 


Drago, do you agree if someone or group in religion might abusing in the name of religion for their own gain and people being wrongly accused of being heretic became victim of corrupt religious group or figure, knowing its consequences?


@AmbarAnak that's sad but at less he save the kid and isn't permanently unable to use his arms hopes he gets heal and fully well and yeah my earlier post should I kinda burned out as I felt like it's a job now not for fun and the gift of reading and what not but I got new stories and other things finish or being finish in the background to be publish and then afterwards I will try to get back on general born to rule war machine reborn and soviets but I can say more pages of the dragons reborn will be back soon and I am sorry for the raido silence as I did say I burnt out 


@kingL-Drago I got this question from my friend of mine whom hospital due to traffic accident after saving the kid but cost his both arms broken and had no choice to hospitalized for few months or so.


@AmbarAnak yea? I am not sure but all I know is I have been working on new stuff and been trying to get back into it all I know is I got a lot of stuff I hope everyone will like as I have been writing and planning to release these for a while but should be out soon but yea


Drago, seeing Red Army Conquers Fantasy chapters about Holy Kingdom downfall, i bet i had idea for next chapters after Soviet Union successfully defeating and humiliating Holy Kingdom to the point they never get their revenge on Red Army that killed their best army they built from hardwork and slavery.