
Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't stopped writing. I've just had a lot on my mind and I've been trying to devote a bit more time to my fantasy novel. I am excited to finish The Hour Before Dawn and start on my other ideas eventually though, especially Mars 2 and Vanadinite... although I might be 90 by the time I finish drawing all the original Pokémon in the Gharab region  I'll try to get another chapter of The Hour Before Dawn done soon.


Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't stopped writing. I've just had a lot on my mind and I've been trying to devote a bit more time to my fantasy novel. I am excited to finish The Hour Before Dawn and start on my other ideas eventually though, especially Mars 2 and Vanadinite... although I might be 90 by the time I finish drawing all the original Pokémon in the Gharab region  I'll try to get another chapter of The Hour Before Dawn done soon.


So, besides the official Pokemon games, have you played any Pokemon ROM Hacks and/or fan games? If so, what ROM Hack/fan game did you play and which ones are your favorite? Just kind of curious, in case if you're wondering why I'm asking this question.


Ok. I was just curious. Thanks for answering.


@Daggett19 I haven't actually played any. I do remember a friend talking about Liquid Crystal though. As far as I remember he enjoyed it but I don't think he ever finished it.


Hi, again. So, besides the Orre games and the Unova games, which Pokemon game(s)/region(s) are your favorite(s)? The reason why I'm asking is because I want to know which game(s)/region(s) were exciting to you.


I haven't played Pokemon Legends: Arceus(I don't have a Nintendo Switch...yet, so I haven't played the Pokemon games on the console), but I have seen some videos on YouTube, plus I have done some research on the games, so I know what to expect. Though, I'm glad you have been playing it, though I haven't read a chapter of the story you're writing yet, since I decided to wait until the story was finished(I did noticed the brief easter egg at the end of Turquoise, the part about Ingo's disappearance due to ending up in the past), but I'll keep an eye out for any references to the game(I actually drop a reference to Legends: Arceus in Chapter 39 of my story) when I read the story.
            I agree that Kalos introduced great Pokemon. A few of my favorites are the Froakie evolution line(one of my favorite Pokemon, besides the Popplio evolution line and a few more that I'll reveal in later stories), the Goomy evolution line, the Noivern evolution line, and Zygarde.
            Anyways, when you get to read my story, I hope you enjoy it. I'll admit, some of the early stuff(like the prologues and the first 4-5 chapters) might be awkward compare to the later chapters due to back then, I was trying to get a grip on how I wanted to write the story(since when I was still in high school, my classmates and I was told how to write a certain way compare to how everyone else does it, and I still had that mindset until a certain point when I decided to do it my way.), so I thought to give you that heads up, just to clear up any confusion.


Sinnoh was a great region too. It's been a long time since I last played through any of those games (I did buy Shining Pearl but haven't had time to play yet), so I've forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Back when it came out, I traded in a load of my old PS1 games and a copy of Nintendogs to buy it and no-one could get me away from my Nintendo DS for a while! I'm sure I'll be mad about Sinnoh again when I do get around to playing Shining Pearl.
            That said, I have really enjoyed Legends: Arceus, which is kind of Sinnoh. You can tell I've been playing it because it's made its way into the story I'm currently writing! I wasn't that impressed with the characters or story at first, but I gradually warmed to all of them except Kamado (though I dislike him rather than feeling nothing). I won't say too much in case you haven't played it yet, but I was very surprised by the ending and impressed that they managed to make it such a challenge.
            I think Kalos is actually quite underrated. I don't remember thinking anything negative about it the first time I played Y, but it didn't stand out to me as a favourite either. Having played through it again more recently, I'd totally agree that the region is beautiful and the story does it justice. Some great Pokémon were introduced too. The Fennekin and Espurr lines are some of my favourites. I'm looking forward to reading your story when I get around to it. It'll be interesting to start in Kalos and a reminder of the games as well.


One of my favorite regions is Sinnoh. for sentimental values. Surprised that same as you, Pokemon Yellow was the first Pokemon game I had played(I played it in 2006, so I was about 6-7 years old at the time) and I did played Pokemon Emerald back then as well(I'm still doing so, as part of a playthrough series on my YouTube channel. Just need to make time for it again.), but I watched one of my older brothers who came by for a visit one time (since two of them live used to live with my dad before moving out to have their own lives, while the third and last older brother, who is older than me by 13 months, lives with me, my mom and my other siblings) played Pokemon Pearl, and after asking, I managed to play it, and I enjoyed traveling through the region, seeing all the new Pokemon(since I had never played played Generation 2 before.) Plus, the Diamond and Pearl era for the anime helped made my love for Sinnoh grew bigger, especially since I enjoyed Paul's character and the rivalry he had with Ash.
            The Johto and Alola games are also my favorite games because of the stories they told, the features they had, and the characters, even though the Rotom Dex could be annoying at times, I still like it.
            However, the region I thought looked amazing was Kalos. Sure, back then, I thought it was bland, just like how everyone else thought. However, looking back on it(especially since I'm writing the based on the Kalos games), I realized that underneath all the complaints is a region that is not only beautiful, but also has a lot of stories to tell and characters to help tell them. In fact, it's tied with Unova as my favorite region. It's even the reason why I decided to write the book based on Kalos first, instead of starting with Kanto, then making my way to Kalos.


Hi. So, sorry it took me this long to say it, but your stories are amazing. Before reading them, I've never known much about the Orre Region nor what Cipher can be capable of, since I've never played the Orre games before, but reading your stories made me wish I've played them. However, reading your stories managed to make up for that, so great job.
          I also like the way you have the characters develop and grow over the course of their journeys, since I considered that one of the benefits of a Pokemon journey, along with the other thing you've did well: the fact that the characters focused more on their journeys than the destinations, thus making tons of memories.
          And while I'm not an art person, the art for your stories are amazing. They set up the mood for the chapter along with showing the important stuff you want us, the readers, to pay attention to.
          So thank you for giving me, and others, a lot of stories to read whenever we want to.


@kingrufus Thanks for the praise(even though the whole straight A's thing was back in 2013, still thanks for that anyways). And if you want to, sure, you can let me know when you draw the other characters. I can also keep an eye on my notifications from time to time to see any updates as well.
            Hope your day is great.


@Daggett19 It's definitely good to hear from someone who loved the Unova games! I'm glad you got another copy of White 2. Well done on the straight As!
            I'm glad you're looking forward to finding out more about N's family tree as well. I don't know when I'll write that story, but it will definitely come at some point. I'll let you know when I've drawn the other characters from Pokémon Turquoise if you like.


@kingrufus You're welcome. Glad you played through Pokemon Black 2. I didn't got the game when it first came out either, to be honest. I only got it a few months after it came out(somewhere around the end of March, beginning of April I think.) back in 7th Grade as a reward for getting straight A's on my report card.(One of the few times where I've managed that.) However, I actually lost that copy a few years back, so I got a new copy of it, along with White 2, as a high school graduation gift. Anyways, the point I was trying to make(since I was rambling for a bit.) is that the Unova games will be one of my favorite games due to everything about it: the music, the Pokemon, the characters, the locations and the story. And I'm happy that you got the chance to see much of what Unova offered as well.
            I'm also glad that N's family tree is going to be explored some more in another story. I can't wait! Well, actually I can, since you have other things to do, but metaphorically, I can't wait for the story.
            Also, it's okay if you haven't got around to drawing the new characters yet. I was wondering, though I am happy to see what they'll look like. As for the drawing of Serafina and Chaytan in Chapter 63, I did saw that while reading a week ago, I didn't know it was them until you mentioned it. I thought they were two different characters. So thanks for telling me who they were.
            Again, you're welcome for reading, glad you're happy from me enjoying your Pokemon stories, and keep up the good work.