
this message may be offensive
          	tw//mentions of suicide
          	do ppl even still use this app anymore? maybe it’s just cuz I’ve gotten older but I feel like wattpad is dry as hell now lol. well anyways that’s not the point of this message, I’m typing this to say that I’ve unpublished that “100 reasons to live” thing. I was like 13-14 when I wrote that, and while my intentions were good, I don’t like how it comes off as like…weird???? idk like for example one of the reasons was like “think about how pretty the moon is plz don’t kys ” like girl stfu plz if anything ur making ppl wanna die even more with these bs reasons  so yea I took that shit down, it’s doing more harm than good so I hope you all understand.
          	however, I still want all of you to stay safe and to know that you ARE appreciated and valued. To whoever is battling suicidal thoughts/ideations, you are enough, you are loved, and you deserve to live a happy fulfilling life. I’m so proud of you for making it this far and my dms are open if you need to vent/express your feelings.
          	# to speak with a professional over text: 741741
          	National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255


this message may be offensive
          tw//mentions of suicide
          do ppl even still use this app anymore? maybe it’s just cuz I’ve gotten older but I feel like wattpad is dry as hell now lol. well anyways that’s not the point of this message, I’m typing this to say that I’ve unpublished that “100 reasons to live” thing. I was like 13-14 when I wrote that, and while my intentions were good, I don’t like how it comes off as like…weird???? idk like for example one of the reasons was like “think about how pretty the moon is plz don’t kys ” like girl stfu plz if anything ur making ppl wanna die even more with these bs reasons  so yea I took that shit down, it’s doing more harm than good so I hope you all understand.
          however, I still want all of you to stay safe and to know that you ARE appreciated and valued. To whoever is battling suicidal thoughts/ideations, you are enough, you are loved, and you deserve to live a happy fulfilling life. I’m so proud of you for making it this far and my dms are open if you need to vent/express your feelings.
          # to speak with a professional over text: 741741
          National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255


im thinking about publishing a bunch of short stories about my ocs just for a bit of practice (and attention lmao) but idk yet... I haven’t put anything up here in a while and I kind of miss writing stuff on here. I miss talking to my followers n stuff too :) so maybe in the near future you’ll see some new stories of mine (●’◡’●)


(Also, hope you’re doing ok!)


Can’t wait to see what the short stories are like!


Happy new year to everyone!! Honestly 2020 can eat my ENTIRE ass and I’m wishing happier days for everyone in this new year!! I love you all and I’m proud of you for making it through such a rough 12 months ❤️❤️


btw the karmagisa fic is officially gone now lmao rip to that piece of unintentional fujo bait


this message may be offensive
alrighty so after some heavy considering, a few moments of scrolling through all sorts of comments, and sitting back and reflecting on my writing skills, I’ve officially decided that after this year is over, I’m taking down the karmagisa fanfic. On January 1st, 2021, that shit is being banished to the deepest pits of hell (aka my drafts) and I’m going to try writing a fanfic maybe some other time. The main two reasons why I’m taking it down is because of the audience it attracted *cough* fujoshis *cough* and because I feel like I could’ve done better on it in general.  
          So one day, when I’m better at writing, I’m going to rewrite the story! Hopefully fill in any plot holes, make characters feel more livelier and more high schooler like, and I’ll definitely make it longer and more fleshed out! I’m very sorry to anyone who actually enjoyed it, I know this is kind of a dickhead move coming from someone who is obviously VERY insecure about their writing but I promise it’ll come back better than this one day!!! Ok mWAH to whoever read all of this shit ❤️


@-jistrellas thank you for understanding!! and yes I really hope so too <3


@kio_cake that’s okay :) I hope the next time you write it you’ll be more satisfied with the outcome!!


Ummm so the curiosity ended up getting to me and I watched Megan is Missing for the first time today, I’m going to take a nap and pretend like I’m not freaked tf out rn ❤️


@Gay_Bro ikr it’s really hard to stomach, I hated it :/


@-jistrellas yes I’m alright for the most part, it was very disturbing tho and I still get a sick feeling in my stomach when I think about the ending, I wouldn’t recommend it honestly, keep urself safe! mwah!


this message may be offensive
Y’all if Trump wins and America goes to shit, please remember I am definitely a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE, and if anyone tells you otherwise, no they didn’t ❤️


@kio_cake If trump wins the election we will all die idc what you all think trump is utter trash


If y’all are going out to Halloween parties or trick-or-treating tomorrow then tell the coronavirus I said hi ❤️


@UnclearJoey ooh what’s ur costume 


@kio_cake I am not trick or treating,  but I an dressing up, no expectations 