
Guys I swear to God I'm not dead. I've actually recently started HRT and have been able to start college, too! I'm working on a bunch of stuff in the 'real world', but I'm also doing things here, too. Thank you all for your patience if you've stuck around this long, and I'm deeply sorry. Much love <3


Guys I swear to God I'm not dead. I've actually recently started HRT and have been able to start college, too! I'm working on a bunch of stuff in the 'real world', but I'm also doing things here, too. Thank you all for your patience if you've stuck around this long, and I'm deeply sorry. Much love <3


hey, just want to let you all know that i'm not dead! i'm currently working on something BIG and my hero academia related, while also working on finishing Flower Crowns Are My Favorite Kind. i'm doing my 3rd complete rewrite of the story in the past 12 months lmao, but hopefully i know what story i want to tell this time. i hope any of you that are left continue to stick around, and thank you for doing so this far! see ya around! :)


So I’m changing my name to @/kirishima s-left-croc and going through the process of redranding *sigh*. Anyways, if you’re seeing this after I rebrand, I used to be @/dont-just-dont, but now I’m an Eijirou Kirishima stan so here we are wHOOPS-


@kirishimas-left-croc Yes, he is the best boi


@Allora1233 Ahh yes, another Kiri stan


@kirishimas-left-croc Kirishima is beautiful. I stan him so hard, he's my favorite ❤


Okay so I highkey wanna change my account name to kirishimas-left-croc but I really like my current @ and don’t wanna go through the trouble of rebranding again what do I do?


@dont-just-dont do whatever makes you happy my dude! ❤


@dont-just-dont dude that’s amazing! You should do it


Okay, so I’ve started watching My Hero Academia in my free time when I’m not writing, and I have some thoughts. (Btw, on on S1 EP 15)
          1. Deku is a twink
          2. Todoroki is the only man I respect, and is also gay
          3. TODODEKU
          4. Kirishima is a very masculine gay man who is madly in love with Bakugo
          5. Momo, Jiro, and Sue are the only female characters that should matter
          6. Low-key am not a fan of Uraraka (and not just bc she’s probably in love with Deku who is obv. a twink)
          So I guess I’m a MHA fan now lol


I now realize that it is spelled Tsu and I am very upset with myself she deserves so much better


I’m low-key back from hiatus, I guess. And I justwant to say that I’m one of probably like 5 people who’s thriving in self isolation lol. 
          Stay safe, everyone!
          (Also some stuff might be coming out by the end of April idk tho)


@not_so_grump So a definite two of us, possibly more lol


@dont-just-dont i am also thriving lmao 