Hey if you need someone to talk to I'll be there if you'll like I've been sexually abuse by my uncle I tried suicide after my dad died I told my Mom that I want to commit suicide she put me in the hospital I was emitted to m.h.i then after that four oaks now I'm back home with my family but I want to help you if anytime I don't know you but I know it's the right thing to do so if you need someone to talk to you I'm here.
I feel like the last time I posted here was New Years.... well it quite literally was but let’s not talk about that. I hope everyone is doing fine asf. An update on my personal life: I have 1500m Tomorrow and I wanna die :)
Hey guys I just want to say some of you May of not had the best year but let’s put that in the past and look forward to a good 2019! <3 So cheers to being alive for another years guys <3