I know I personally don’t write stories/fics but I think this needs to be said and shared
It’s recently been made clear that someone has been harassing and bullying a TNN writer on here (and via Instagram). Not only have they sent threatening messages and rude comments, they have named several other writers while doing so. As writers, we are here to support each other, and we don’t take kindly to our names being used to bully other writers.
Please be 100% clear, Wattpad is a safe space for EVERYONE to respectfully share their creativity. EVERYONE deserves to have a voice here and to have their comfort characters/ships etc. DO NOT harass people because their stories aren’t for you personally. None of the other writers who’ve been named are remotely impressed, this behaviour is abhorrent.
We create stories on here with FICTIONAL characters for people to enjoy. We do not create stories for you to use them against people, bullying them about their work or their favourite characters. Fanfics are written for fun - they are NOT automatically canon.
Hiding behind false profiles and immediately deleting evidence is cowardly behaviour. Leave others alone and DO NOT drag other writers down into your pathetic behaviour.
Stop this behaviour, nobody finds it funny and nobody is impressed.