
flair update on friday !!


i have both good and bad news. 
          bad news is both my aot fics will officially go onto a hiatus until the third final part of the final season is out. mainly because one of them deals with the whole series. reason for hiatus is that i honestly cannot continue them because my heart isnt there and you all dont deserve to be half assed. 
          good news is that i am very excited to announce my new sakuatsu fic!!! for those of you who dont know who they are, its miya atsumu and sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu! ive been havinf major brainrot for them and i just HAVE to write this fic thats been messing with me. i will update more on it in the next message. 
          once again im very sorry for the hiatus, i will most likely leave them uploaded for now but updates will not continue until i see fit. 
          thank u for everythinf and i cant wait to share me new ideas with u all <33


um hi, little life update no one asked for. 
          i finally managed to complete my training for my new job position and im in the process of moving into an apartment!! i know i havent updated in months (which will change) but im finally going to have some time to finally update my works. thank you all for being so patient <3


YAY LIfe update WOO