
!! Book in progress !!
          	I'm making a new book, completely original with all original characters. So far it's going alright, and I hope I don't lose interest. Wish me luck.


Wow okay I forgot this exists, but I’m checking back in with some older aspects of my life. In a brief update or whatever you wanna call this, I’ll say a few things.
          I’m dating probably the most perfect person I could’ve ever found for myself, our flaws complement each other and we help each other through every problem we face. I’m still struggling with my health, and my mental health. I have a group I see weekly, it doesn’t exactly help but it’s worth going for the people I see there. I’m not very active online like I used to be, I’m rarely on discord, and I spend a lot more of my time with friends I know in person. I miss writing, I don’t get to do it as much and that’s partially my own fault. I still do art, but not as many doodles and fun, creative distractions as before. I’m still in highschool, and doing okay as far as that goes. 
          I may turn to more brief stories or poetry in my free time, and I’ll try to share them here for anyone looking to read some of my work. 
          I hope anyone reading this is doing well, and that you can enjoy your day or night.