
It’s honestly really amazing logging in after a year and seeing people still giving my novels attention! Can’t wait till I find the inspiration to finally finish writing a novel. Image four years difference of writing experience. One day I will be published and I have the people on here to thank for help keeping me motivated by reading my books and commenting on how much they love them. Thank you to all who have read and will read my works❤️


It’s honestly really amazing logging in after a year and seeing people still giving my novels attention! Can’t wait till I find the inspiration to finally finish writing a novel. Image four years difference of writing experience. One day I will be published and I have the people on here to thank for help keeping me motivated by reading my books and commenting on how much they love them. Thank you to all who have read and will read my works❤️


I apologize for the lack of updating my books.  I started college this past year, but I'm really hoping I can get back into updating regularly over the summer.
          For now, enjoy the next chapter of Veins of Fire!
          ALSO, what books would you like to see more updates of in the future? It can be one I haven't worked on in a while. I want know what YOU want to read from me!


Hello all!
          I know I don’t really have many active followers but by any off chance there’s still some things I’m curious about...
          Writing is my passion and I’m trying so hard to become an author. So, with that said, I have some questions for you! I would love for you to participate so I can get to know my followers and become a better writer!:
          1) what is your name? Mine is Skye!
          2) what is you favorite work by me so far? (Can be completed or in the works)
          3) are my book covers nice/creative/eye catching?
          4) what is your favorite character of mine?
          5) what is your favorite genre of books? (Can be to read or write)
          6) what state are you from?
          7) and lastly, is there any work of yours you’d like for me to read? I would love to support you like you support me!


@solastaian thank you for commenting and making me feel like I actually have followers❤️


1) AVERY !
            2) remember duhhhhhhhh but tbh i always like the concept of skin changers too 
            3) i like some better than others but they're all unique which i like! the only thing is some of the smaller writing is hard to read, but ik that it's mainly bc wattpad makes the covers tiny and lowers the quality. 
            4) Nurse Garner obviously (it's actually Kaden)
            5) Sci-fi, some types of fantasy, young adult fiction in general, classics, a lot of things. I read a lot of sci-fi things the most 
            6) Texas yeehaw
            7) i'm normally a crappy updater, but at one point or another i end up reinventing ideas. my one consistent book is the volunteer so that one is fun!! 


The future is here... and so is chapter six of FORGET! Go check it out :)


Aw yeah. I'm hyped now lol


@allfictional oh it would be quite interesting from Colette's POV but I couldn't keep the story line i needed to happen with the book in her POV. Though you will get glimpses of her POV and oh boy will it be fun


Ugh the drama that will unfold!