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It's been a while. It really has. For the people that actually read my shit: You may have noticed I have removed "Memories, Ghosts & Cloud Nine" from here. It will go through its final edit and then, it will be released. As of now, it is on an indefinite hiatus but expect it to be released mid to late-2019. I am currently working on my second novel. "Trilogy" has been in the works ever since maybe October 2017 and it was in development hell for over a couple of months. However, I had a recent dissolution in a friendship that I will no further comment on. But it did mean the world to me. And here I am, starting a novel that will evoke that sense of nostalgia that I once had. Once. This one will be my absolute darkest yet. I'm not joking; I'm going full psychological and philosophical, less the latter. I have spent time enough researching mental illnesses and stories of people with mental illness to provide a sense of humanity to this novel. This is both the start and the end of an era for me. "Trilogy" will be my release. After that, I'll work on the final edit to MG&CN and then, I'll be taking a hiatus from writing and exploring new terrain. For the few who've read my books, thank you. I've never wanted money. With this novel, it would be a stretch to say I'm not aiming for popularity. I am, but I want it to be for the right reasons. I want this novel to be cemented as my "Outsiders" novel. If not, then I will be happy if at least one person says that this book was influential to them. That's the least I could ever ask for. "Trilogy" was coming out 13 January 2019, but now its been pushed back to 4 February 2019. I'll see you then, whoever is here. - Sheldon Andre