I kind of checked on your account again, because I found screenshots on my phone of when we found out in a 1d snap gc that we already followed eachother events ough we both had so not much followers, I now see that you took a little break which is totally okay AND THAT YOU GOT A FRICKIN GIRLFRIEND *calms herself down* I'm really happy for you and just wanted to say hi again after way too long<33 How are you btw? <33

@NiallsWeakKnee OMG YES I REMEBER THATTT, thank youuu <3 and hello to you too :D. I'm doing much better now, i just took a little break form all the 1d groupchats and from a lot of other platforms, and i will probably come back to the snap gc now, yayyy. So im really doing better :). and how are youuuu? <333